Daily Accountability: The first maintenance step

On my recovery journey, I can honestly say much of my effort has been in the first 9 steps. Developing faith in Jesus Christ, meeting with a sponsor, meeting with bishops, and making amends are time-intensive. I often daydreamed of what my life would be like on the other side of the first 9 steps. To my surprise, life after the first 9 steps was like my life during the first 9 steps. 

Let me give you one example. While I was meeting with my sponsor to discuss my progress, I noticed my sponsor get a look on his face. He asked for a quick moment, wrote something down, pulled out his phone, and shot off a text. I inquired what he had done. He smiled and told me he remembered something he had done in the past. He recognized he needed forgiveness for it and wrote down the name of the individual he needed to connect with to make amends. 

I was taken aback. In a matter of minutes, my sponsor had done steps 4-9. I couldn't believe it. It had taken me days, and sometimes weeks, to work through my past. Yet, I just watched my sponsor do it in a matter of minutes! I asked him how he did it, and that is when I learned the beauty of step 10.

Similar to the other steps, step 10 is a call to action - very quick action. Instead of letting my actions go unnoticed for months, or even years, the invitation of step 10 is to act quickly. If I did something wrong, I should correct it as soon as possible. If someone wronged me, I should seek the guidance of our Savior, Jesus Christ, to be able to forgive them. If I am unsure of something, then I should, again, seek out my Savior, Jesus Christ, to learn what I should do.

As I have learned about step 10, I have really learned step 10 is a commitment to live the first 9 steps throughout my life. It is not the easiest thing to do, but I am learning when I am prompted and act quickly, God blesses me with strength and encouragement to complete the task I am being prompted to do. When I choose to not act quickly, the chances are extremely likely I will not do as I'm prompted and I will definitely miss out on blessings and opportunities the Lord wants to send my way.


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