The Value of Good Books

The value of books has, for a large part of my life, been lost on me. There was a time in fifth grade when I was all about books. This was because it was a challenge, and I wanted to win. At the end of the year, I was the first student in the class to read 25 books and claim the win! Do I really remember which books I read? No, but I wasn’t trying to remember which books I read - I just wanted to win.

Since then, my book reading has been limited to school and work employment rather than for personal growth and entertainment. This led me to a lot of screen time. Lots of screen time usually leads to boredom. For me, boredom is a trigger. That route usually led me to relapses.

Another issue with screens is all the anxiety and depression that arise from screen time. At one point in time, I had work email on my phone. What did this lead to? Stress and anxiety from the first of the day. I would struggle to be emotionally available for my wife, family, and friends. Why? Because I started my day with a screen.

This changed when I learned the value of a good book. One morning, I had an anxiety panic attack. I woke up stressing about the day and couldn’t focus. I reached out to my wife and explained the situation. One of the suggestions she made was to start reading a book. The first book I read was the Book of Mormon. I felt the peace that accompanies that great book.

Then I picked up a book in a series my wife introduced me to. I started reading and found myself engulfed by the story. I couldn’t put it down. My zeal to read was stronger than my panic attack. Soon, I found my focused attention on the book pulled me out of the attack and settled me down. The next time I found myself in a panic attack in the early morning, I pulled out a book and started reading. I focused the energy of my trigger and panic attack on something wholesome.

These experiences reminded me of the Lord’s words in the Doctrine and Covenants: “And as all have not faith, seek ye diligently and teach one another words of wisdom; yea, seek ye out of the best books words of wisdom; seek learning, even by study and also by faith.” (D&C 88:118) I realize now that one of the ways I combat my addiction, triggers, and anxiety is by engaging in good books. I am learning the wisdom in the Lord’s invitation to seek out the best books!

My invitation to the reader is to start reading. Spend less time on the screens and more time on the pages - especially the Book of Mormon. I promise that as you do, you will find yourself experiencing less stress, anxiety, and depression… just like I experienced.


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