Learn to let go

One of the most famous parables in the New Testament is the Prodigal Son. (Luke 15:11-32) This parable is a fantastic example of learning to let go and get your life back. The prodigal son’s father was a right man. We learn the prodigal son wanted his inheritance. After receiving his inheritance, this son went off the deep end (if you will). He made some awful decisions that led to him wanting to eat what he was feeding pigs. This is when the prodigal son hit ‘rock bottom’. He came to himself and went back to his father. He was prepared to let go of his pride and ego to serve his father just so he could eat. What the prodigal son didn’t know was his father’s love for him. Once the prodigal son turned to his father, that is when he learned how much his father loved him and was ready to help him.

The same is true with addiction recovery. Our Father in Heaven is a gentleman in the fact He will not stop us from making choices. If we choose to act out, our Father in Heaven will not stop us. He will warn us that we are making a poor decision, but He will never stop us from making a poor decision. Even though we are making poor decisions, God is always there. He is waiting for us to come to our senses, let go, and turn to Him. The act of turning to our God is the first step in recovery and one that enables our God to truly make an impact in our life.

This act of letting go does not occur once. It occurs over a lifetime. In my own journey, I have learned to let go multiple times and in multiple ways. I’m still learning ways to let go and let God in. One of the more recent ways I have learned to let go is by realizing I need a night routine. I know the time right before bed is an incredibly dangerous time for me. I may not be tempted to look at pornography, but I am tempted to waste time and get bored - which are gateway actions that led me historically to pornography. Understanding I need a nightly routine will give me the opportunity to align myself with God by getting sleep. This will help me be spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically strong throughout my life.

I also know that letting go is much easier said than done. So I encourage you to start small. What is something you can let go of to come closer to God? I know when I first started, the best way I could let go and get closer to God was through morning and nightly prayers. If I had these anchor points in place, I found my day was better. Giving up those minutes to come unto God was worth it. Soon, I realized I could give up video game time to study scriptures and General Conference talks. I found that I could let go of one night a week to attend ARP group meetings. Finally, I realized what king Lamoni’s father realized: to truly come unto go, I have to let go of all my sins. (Alma 22:18) That is when the real power of God started to manifest itself in my life.


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