Courage In Spite of Fear
One of my favorite movies is “Eragon”. It is a story about fantasy movie about a young man who obtains a dragon egg and becomes a dragon rider. Towards the end of the movie, Eragon is talking with his dragon, Saphira. He explains to Saphira that he is not without fear. Saphira then says my favorite lines in the movie: “Without fear, there cannot be courage. But when we are together, it is our enemies who should be afraid!”
A moral inventory requires courage. There are moments when fear will enter the process. I remember several times when I felt fearful. I knew that when I wrote certain things down, they would be real and not just a memory of a past event. It would be something that I would need to act on. I would have to think through the event and really unpack what went on. More times than I want to admit, I really wanted to give up.
I didn’t have a dragon like Eragon did. I did have the Savior, Jesus Christ. I knew I had fear in my heart. I also knew that fear was a weakness. In the Book of Mormon, the Savior teaches that “[I]f men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them.” (Ether 12:27) I knew that fear was one of my weaknesses. I knew that I did not have the power to turn the weakness of fear into the strength of courage. I did know that Jesus Christ did have that power. I found myself on my knees several times in prayer asking for help.
Each time I prayed for courage, I was blessed with the courage to complete my moral inventory. I felt the power of Jesus Christ empower me to complete my moral inventory. I found I could continue moving forward in spite of my fear. All of this was due to my Savior, Jesus Christ.
I know that courage is a Christ-like attribute and gift from God. The only way to develop this attribute and gift is to pray for it. I know Jesus wants us to be courageous and not fearful. I promise that courage will come as it is prayed for. This courage will enable the completion of moral inventories! In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
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