Playing the long game

Each decision made in life is either playing the long game or the short game. The long game is focused on long-term progress, improvement, and stability in the future. The short game is focused on immediate success, gratification, and risks stability in the future. These two games are played every day from every direction in life.

Addiction teaches the individual to have their focus on the short game. The idea is to get an immediate fix and gratification. There is not a lot of thought about the future. The focus is right now, at this very moment. The thoughts about the future are only recognized after acting out, usually accompanied by shameful feelings. What happens next? Well, addiction teaches the individual if they are feeling any negative emotion to take another hit and feel better. Thus, the vicious cycle of addiction thrives when playing the short game.

So, what happens when the focus goes to the long game? The individual aligns with a goal and works towards it. For the purpose of this blog, let’s say that goal is sobriety. With a goal in place, actions and decisions are weighed against that goal. If the actions and decisions increase the outcome of the goal, then make the actions and decisions. If the actions and decisions decrease the outcome of the goal, then don’t make the actions and decisions. Yes, this is one of those “easier to say than do” things, but it is worth the effort. In full transparency, there will be bumps and bruises along the journey - apply a little grace and get back to work.

Let me share an experience from my own life. Work can be stressful and it can be difficult at times. The companionship of the Holy Ghost is such a blessing during those times. On one such occasion, I was stressed and felt cornered. I didn’t keep my focus on the long game and relapsed. What followed was a series of events that were difficult. I failed on some deliveries. I made simple coding errors. I was not attentive in meetings. Ultimately, my performance plummeted. I lost focus on the long game of sobriety. If I would have stayed focused on that long game, maybe my performance doesn’t plummet. Maybe what happens is Christ helps me bear that burden because my focus is where it should be. Instead, I decided instant gratification and immediate shame for my actions.

Playing the long requires taking the invitation that Elder David A Bednar, of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, gave in the October 2022 General Conference: “Each of us should evaluate our temporal and spiritual priorities sincerely and prayerfully to identify the things in our lives that may impede the bounteous blessings that Heavenly Father and the Savior are willing to bestow upon us.” (”Put on Thy Strength, O Zion”, October 2022) This invitation is centered on the Atonement of Jesus Christ and his Gospel. One of the great blessings of this invitation is the Holy Ghost will teach us who we really are and what our potential really is!

Our Savior, Jesus Christ, wants us to focus on the long game. He wants us to do what is necessary for us to sit with him in His kingdom for all eternity! By playing the long game, this can and will happen!


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