Comeback stories
I'm a huge fan of comeback stories. They are inspiring and uplifting. These stories lift up hearts and fill them with hope. More importantly, the stories reinforce the fact if one can do it, all can do it.
In my opinion, the journey of addiction recovery is among the best comeback stories ever told. In this journey, an addict goes from the depths of addiction to the freedom found in recovery. The best part of the story: this story gets told over and over again! To this day, I love hearing about these comeback stories.
This brings me to a question that I posed to myself, and those that I sponsor: What is your comeback story? Even if you have been sober for a period of time and then relapse - focus on your comeback story. More specifically, what do you want your comeback story to be?
When I think of my comeback story, it started with recognizing I was in a place that I didn't like. I was in a dark place and saw no hope. Many consider this moment as rock bottom. It was at this point I finally saw what was right in front of me: I saw God reaching out for me trying to help me achieve better and higher things and I was choosing something beneath what I could do with God.
One of my favorite comeback stories, from scripture, is the prophet, Alma. We step into Alma's life when he was going about causing grief and pain. He and his friends, the sons of Mosiah, tried to fight against God. That is when we see God's intervention. An angel appeared to Alma and commanded him to stop. After this visitation, Alma lost consciousness for a few days. During this time of Alma's unconsciousness, Alma said he was racked with the torment of his actions and wanted to hide from the consequences. At this point, Alma says he remembered the words of his father talking about Jesus Christ and he would come to atone for the sins of the world. Alma caught hold of this thought and began to repent. Alma awoke from his unconsciousness and shared what he learned with all around him. The rest of Alma's life was spent in service to God and others. (Mosiah 27, Alma 36)
Like I said before, comeback stories inspire hope! No one is ever done writing their comeback story once they begin. So, what is your comeback story?
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