"The blessings of repentance begin as we repent"

    My comprehension of the blessings of the Savior's forgiveness and the power of repentance was very skewed when I began my addiction recovery journey. I didn't see in myself what others were experiencing. In the first few meetings, I saw men, battling the same addiction I was fighting, experiencing joy, happiness, and hope. Those were all things I wanted but for some reason didn't seem to have.

    I remember telling myself that when I repent and am clean of my sins I would be happy. I just needed to look to that happy day. I would daydream of the day being able to share my story of success. One thought I had was standing in front of a crowd of people and telling them about my story. How I had been sober for 5, 10, or even 20 years. How amazing would that be!? I continued to look forward at what I wanted instead of looking at what was going on in the present.

    I didn't see the blessings of repentance because I wasn't looking for the blessings in my life. I didn't see the simple things that came with the initial steps of my journey. Those simple things are among the sweetest blessings I have because of those first initial steps. Here are a few of them:

  • A testimony of my need for my Savior, Jesus Christ
  • Knowing it's okay to admit that I need help
  • Taking the time to ensure my actions align with my moral compass
  • The importance of family
  • The importance of scripture study (especially the Book of Mormon)
  • Accountability is empowering
  • Journaling every day helps me see my strengths and weaknesses
    The list could go on and on! These were lessons I learned I was learning early on but didn't recognize. I didn't see these blessings because I was looking beyond my present time. I wasn't looking for some simple things, I was looking for grand things. I didn't understand what Elder Gerrit W Gong, of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, taught: "The blessings of repentance begin as we repent." (Happy and Forever, Elder Gerrit W Gong, Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, General Conference, Oct 2022)

    There is a powerful hymn that I love. It is titled "Count your blessings" (Hymns, #241). The chorus of that hymn goes like this: 

"Count your blessings; 
Name them one by one. 
Count your blessings; 
See what God hath done. 
Count your blessings; 
Name them one by one. 
Count your many blessings; 
See what God hath done." 

It is incredibly important to see the blessings that come from God, especially for those recovering from addiction. We need to see God's hand in our life. We need to see that God loves us and there is power in repentance. It isn't always easy to see his hand in your life, but He is always there! The Atonement of Jesus Christ becomes very real and very powerful as we change our lives to align with Him! 


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