Moral Compasses

    Growing up, scouting was a big thing in my life. I was always intrigued by the merit badges, friendships, and experiences with scouting. A skill that each boy scout picked up was orienteering. At most boy scout summer camps, the orienteering merit badge was a staple merit badge. While earning the orienteering merit badges, scouts learned how to use compasses, read maps, and understand the topography of an area.

    One of the first things learned is the difference between true north and magnetic north. True north is exactly what you think it might be. A northward bearing that will take you directly to the north pole. Magnetic north is a little different. The Earth has magnetic forces that skew the northward reading of a compass. What is worse is magnetic north really isn’t true north. There is a little skew in the reading. This meant learning how to adjust the compass and the map to address the differences between true and magnetic north. Once the difference is addressed, a route can be mapped out.

    The same is with life. We have our true north found in our Savior, Jesus Christ. The Savior said he is “the way, the truth, and the life.” (John 14:6). All our actions need to be reconciled according to his example and how he would expect us to act. This was a very difficult lesson for me to learn. Trying to compare my actions against the way the Savior wanted me to act felt really hard at first. In fact, some of the smaller actions were the most difficult to let go of.

    Fortunately, Jesus Christ is full of love, compassion, and patience. As I learned to align my moral compass with his, my actions began to change. I stop objectifying people. I gave up some late night practices, like gaming. I learned the value of reading good books rather than spending hours on end on YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram. It is very interesting to see how making little alignments here and there can be so life altering!

    Yes, it is hard to make these adjustments. Yes, it will take time. Yes, it is definitely worth it! I have felt my Savior’s love as I have aligned my moral compass with his. I can, with assurance, confirm that you will feel the same love that I felt in your own way.


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