Support Systems Work!
While I was in cub scouts, I remember a demonstration about the support system necessary for the young scout to succeed. The den leader asked the cub scout to try to get a single wooden rod to stand. The young scout would try and try but failed. The den leader asked the young scout to get two rods to stand together. Again, the young man struggled but couldn’t get the two rods to stand together. Finally, the den leader gave the young scout a third rod and some twine. The den leader, the scout, and the parents of the scout worked together to build a tripod to get the three sticks to work together. The den leader then explained to the scout, and the rest of the den, that it took the scout, the scout’s parents, and the den leaders working together to find success.
The idea of working together to find success is also true in addiction recovery. Most addiction recovery successes come from individuals who understand they can’t do it themselves. It literally takes a support system for the addict to find recovery. Some of the most powerful experiences I have had during my recovery have come from my support system.
Let me share one experience with you. In 2021, I found myself in a difficult position at work. I had to create a report for a client that didn’t exist. The report being asked for was based on complicated data and calculations. I remember feeling a lot of stress and not being sure what to do. I said a prayer in my heart and felt prompted to reach out to a colleague of mine. I explained the situation to them and they shared an idea for creating the report. As we worked through the report, I felt peace enter my heart knowing we were on the right track.
After completing the report, I felt excitement and joy! I was able to turn the report over to the client. Unfortunately, in my desire to celebrate, I felt a craving for my addiction. I wanted to act out to celebrate. I knew that I could not do this and I needed help. I immediately reached out to my girlfriend (who later became my wife), my parents, my sponsor, and some very close friends. I explained to them the situation and how I wanted to celebrate this win but not act out. Each one, in their own way, celebrated with me. They helped me feel comfort and joy in a safe, clean way.
This is the beauty of a support system. In my moment of need, I knew I could reach out to my support system and find the support that I needed. Notice who made up my support system: God, family, friends, and close associates. Support systems don’t have to be complicated. They need to be made up of people that you trust and who have a love for you!
Reaching out to a support system is, in essence, reaching out to Jesus. In the New Testament, Jesus taught: “And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” (Matt 25:40) By reaching out, we show that we are in need of the Savior’s help. Those who we reach out to get the opportunity to serve and love us. Everything about a support system reflects Jesus Christ!
I know the power of support systems. They are places of safety and hope. The Lord, Jesus Christ, is part of my support system. I invite you to make him part of yours!
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