
Showing posts from August, 2024

The difference one screen makes

Professionally, I'm a data professional. I enjoy finding patterns, building dashboards, and performing analyses. Several months ago, I had a three screen set up: two large external screens and my laptop screen. I was productive and enjoying the good life. Then, on April 2, 2024, I became a father to a beautiful baby girl.  When I returned to work, I found my setup didn't help me. I wanted to use my external screens, but my baby girl needed attention at various spots throughout the day. I found myself complaining to my wife about not working the way I liked to and watching my baby girl while my wife was at work. After that discussion, I realized how prideful I had been and that I was the one who needed to change. As I thought about what I could do to be a good employee and still provide for my daughter while my wife was at work, this thought came to me: remove the external screens and work on just your laptop.  I initially dismissed the idea. As I worked the next few days, I con