Media and Addiction
I recently watched a show that was very triggering for me. The show was a contest where groups of individuals volunteered to survive in the harsh wilderness of Alaska. The contest ended when there was only one group left standing. Initially, I thought the show was very clever… until it wasn’t. I saw some pretty harsh things the groups did to each other in order to ‘win’. I saw sleeping bags stolen, destruction of team property, lying, and other events. I found myself asking, “What would I do in these situations?” I found my responses were cruel and aggressive. The idea of seriously hurting someone was a very real consideration. I wanted to see them hurt, bleed, and be in so much pain they would have to tap out. These feelings started my heart racing. I couldn’t focus. All I could think about was this contest and getting overly aggressive. Then something clicked - I was triggered! I was triggered in a way that I haven’t been triggered in a long time. This thought of being triggered gro...